
entrepreneur, columnist,and citizen
Posts tagged "corruption"


We Pakistanis are an emotional bunch and tend to get swept away by the momentum of events around us – both nationally and internationally. As a Nation we seldom stop to think about long term implications, cause and effect relationships, and generally rational thought seems to elude us at the best of times.  Yet again,...


  While a lota is technically an urn used to clean oneself after going to the loo in South Asia, the term has been used to describe opportunistic  politicians who have no qualms in switching sides whenever they feel that the tide is turning.  There seems to be a dearth of honest politicians who have...


Everyone who uses a computer has had to reboot his/her system at least once a week due to corrupt software or moments when the system “freezes”.  The much vaunted CTRL+ALT+DEL triage is the way to do it as we all know.  But what do you do when software of the country and the “system” is...