
entrepreneur, columnist,and citizen
Posts tagged "PPP"

The calculus of the flood

The floods have caused death, destruction, and misery on a scale never seen before in Pakistan’s history. Unlike the 2005 earthquake in the Northern Areas, the flood of 2010 has spread misery equally in every part of the country. The unprecedented flooding has already affected the lives of approximately 14 million people by wiping out...

The “But” Syndrome

The 27th of May bombing in Lahore, which has taken a minimum of 23 lives and wounded over 300 people can only be seen as a retaliatory strike by the Taliban who are finally at the receiving end from the Pakistan Army. The highly effective Army operation in Swat and Malakand Division now has the...

Raptus Regaliter

Latin and Punjabi have a lot in common. For starters there are just some choice words in both languages, which simply cannot be found in other languages, nor do they translate well. Yet for someone who can’t speak a word of Latin, it sounds really brilliant and makes you sound quite academic. Raptus Regaliter means...


Just when you think that you can’t be surprised any more, celestial forces drop something in your lap which make you cock your head and re-read the words on your screen. In this instance, this columnist has read a Press Release from the Ministry of Information six times and remains in a state of amazement....


There are time to sit on fences and there are times where you need to pick sides, and I think the time has come to pick our sides without any ambiguous grey areas so familiar to Pakistani politics and drawing rooms.  Benazir Bhutto’s arrival in Karachi on Thursday and the hundreds of thousands of people...