
entrepreneur, columnist,and citizen
Posts tagged "Islamabad"

Dear Richard

Dear Richard, Do you mind if I call you Richard? Your mini-vacation to Pakistan is coming to an end and you must be cursing Obama for giving you the worst gig in the world. I mean at your age something more fun and meaningful would have been appropriate. Instead he sends you to Pakistan and...


Approximately 10,000 schoolchildren from Government schools lined the streets of Islamabad from 11 am in the morning till 6:30 pm in the evening. Most of them without food or water. The CDA spent between PKR 6 and 8 crores on “decorating” Islamabad. Approximately 160 cars were part of the motorcade for the King of Saudi...


As readers are going through this piece on Wednesday morning, the doorbell will be ringing almost continuously with neighbors and family sending blood-dripping trays of freshly dead choice meats.  I hope readers take a moment from the meat orgy to actually ponder the whole concept of sacrifice in Islam and the principle behind sacrificing animals...


The entire world has seen the horrific images from various parts of Pakistan which have been decimated by the earthquake over the weekend leaving thirty thousand dead and another fifty thousand injured.  According to experts, these numbers could skyrocket unless immediate aid is not delivered to the worst hit areas.  While we have been seeing...