
entrepreneur, columnist,and citizen
Posts tagged "vandalism"


I remember going to Swat decades ago during a summer vacation from school and vividly remember the tranquil valley with its streams, the mountains, and the forests.  Since then much has changed. First came the loggers who stripped the trees away as they have done so from much of Northern Pakistan. And now a different...


There are time to sit on fences and there are times where you need to pick sides, and I think the time has come to pick our sides without any ambiguous grey areas so familiar to Pakistani politics and drawing rooms.  Benazir Bhutto’s arrival in Karachi on Thursday and the hundreds of thousands of people...


I think more has been written about the offending cartoons that the Danes have presented us than has been written on providing clean water and health care in the press for one year.  And while I understand why Muslims around the world are furious about the offending cartoons, I cannot understand the level of violence...